Oral Hygiene

A Cavity: From Birth to Damage
Dental Health |2 min read

A Cavity: From Birth to Damage

Though nobody wants to get cavities, so many of us do. These areas of decay in teeth are the result of plaque, a pasty biofilm of bacteria that sticks to your teeth because they thrive on the sugar in food and beverages we constantly consume. Routine cleanings at the...

Oral Health Can Be As Simple As H2O
Dental Health |2 min read

Oral Health Can Be As Simple As H2O

In our increasingly complex world, some important things remain remarkably simple. Take water, for example — that vital fluid that makes up about 60 percent of our bodies. For all the advances in science, technology and gadgetry, there’s practically nothing as...

For Good Oral Hygiene, Take These Easy Tips
Dental Health |2 min read

For Good Oral Hygiene, Take These Easy Tips

Most people have the privilege of being able to drink and eat whatever they want and whenever they want. It’s a luxury we take for granted until a problem—such as a cavity—comes along. Cavities are areas that are permanently damaged that turn into tiny...